"Children with serious emotional disturbance are among the most fragile members of our society. ... Prompt coordinated services that support a child’s continuation in the home can allow even the most disabled child a reasonable chance at a happy, fulfilling life.  Without such services, a child may face a stunted existence, eked out in the shadows and devoid of almost everything that gives meaning to life.” 

U.S. District Court Judge Michael A. Ponsor

Rosie D. v. Romney, January 26, 2006

Welcome to the Rosie D. website, an information and support resource for parents, attorneys, advocates, providers and other professionals.  Click on the index headings on the left for more information about the ongoing transformation of the children’s mental health system in Massachusetts.  The website, and all of the pages, have been updated recently to reflect important implementation activities and the phase-in of the new services mandated by the Rosie D. Judgment, beginning on July 1, 2009. There also is an extensive Document Library that contains all of the legal and implementation materials used to create the new children's mental health system. 

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Judge Terminates Remedial Order in Children’s Mental Health Case

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